To create a bibliography from your Zotero library:
Or, for an even easier method, just drag and drop references from Zotero directly into your document and the references will turn into fully formatted citations. This works with any word processor, including Google Docs.
* Be sure to always check your reference! Automatically generated bibliographies are never perfect.
Zotero offers word processing plugins for Word and OpenOffice.
The plugin adds a Zotero toolbar to the either the "Add-Ons" tab or "Zotero" tab of your word processor, depending on which version you have installed. This toolbar allows you to add citations to your document while you write.
To add a citation:
To insert a bibliography:
Change citation styles with the "Document Preferences" icon, shaped like a gear.
Zotero comes with the most common bibliographic styles, but additional bibliographic styles are available for download at the Zotero Style Repository page.
To install a style in Zotero for Firefox:
To install a style in Zotero Standalone:
After completing these steps, these styles should appear in Zotero's style lists.
After you know how to add additional bibliographic styles, you can create annotated bibliographies using Zotero. Follow the instructions above to install styles either in Zotero for Firefox or Zotero Standalone. You will search for "annotated," and you can download either Chicago or APA annotated styles.
To use Chicago:
To use APA: